Throughout the Summer and Autumn of 2015, we embarked on a large scale outreach project looking into the experiences of people living with dementia, their families, carers and professionals.

The evidence gathered on our database of feedback strongly indicated that people living with dementia and their families, were finding it difficult to access the support they required, particularly as the disease progressed and increased pressure is faced by family members who provide care.
In England, it is estimated that around 676,000 people have dementia. Dementia has a huge impact on people living with the condition, their carers, families and the wider society.
Dementia is a progressive condition, which means that the symptoms become more severe over time. People with dementia and their families have to cope with changing abilities such as the capacity to make decisions about major life events as well as day-to-day situations.
As a result of this work Healthwatch Hampshire will be making a series of recommendations to commissioners and providers to improve experiences for people living with dementia and their carers. This report details the three key findings, highlights representative case studies and celebrates good practice already taking place throughout the county.